How to avoid buying a haunted house

Buying a new home is one of the biggest decisions that you will ever make, but how can you be sure that your dream new home doesn’t bring some ghoulish surprises into your new life.

Trigger warning - if you are scared of the dark and all things that go bump in the night - this banterful blog is not the one for you.

Period properties and homes with character are often on the top of UK home hunter’s wish lists, looking to bring a piece of British history and charm into their new home.

In fact, according to, the demand for a character home is so high that buyers will pay more for high ceilings, original fireplaces, traditional ceiling roses and wood burning stoves.

But, within the winding corridors and dusty wine cellars the walls hold the stories of the house’s past.  Could it be a past of mystery and horror?

How can you be sure that your happy new home doesn’t come with a few additional unhappy residents.  Angry and ready to show their presence?

Don’t get spooked - we are here to help you spot the signs and do you research.

Here are 5 signs of a paranormal presence on your viewing.

Phantom scents 

Often a resident ghost can present themselves with fragrances from their past, a smoky tobacco or strong vintage perfume. They can often creep up on you in places you wouldn’t expect. Check for sources of the scent around you, diffusers, candles, but if you can’t find it….could it be a sign from beyond. 

Got a shiver

A sudden temperature change is a well known sign that a resident from the other side is near. Feeling icy but the windows are closed? A room making you burn up? Could there be a story of terror behind the doors?!

Draining your battery

If your phone seems to drain the moment you walk into the house, it could be a sign that an otherworldly energy is nearby.  According to Laura Pennace, investigator for the New York Paranormal Society -  “spirits try to absorb whatever energy is around them, and your tech is a prime source.”

What was that noise? 

Breathing in your ear, a knock, creak or deathly scream - did you hear something? Check around to see if there is a source, or if you are feeling brave, ask the question “can you knock tree times?”.

Weird Sensation on the Back of Your Neck

Ghosts love you to know that they are close, especially if they do not want you there. So watch out for a gentle sensation on the back your neck - a prickle, a graze. They may be saying “welcome” - or “stay away”!

If you have ticked “YES” to every paranormal tick point, but still think the house has “potential” - delve a little deeper to find out more.

Did you know….

Whilst it is not a requirement for your estate agent to disclose specific information on suspected hauntings in a property’s history, you can do your research to make sure that you can avoid getting caught up in a spooky sale.

Check the Seller's Disclosures.

Make sure that you get all of the information and disclosure details from your seller.

“Consumer protection regulations (CPRs) dictate that a seller must disclose any pertinent information they have about the property which might influence the prospective buyer’s decision” .

They may not list every spooky encounter, but they are required to disclose tragedy and disputes.

2. Do Online Research about the Property. 

Jump on Google, Facebook and every possible search engine to see what the address pulls up. Are there any horrific newspaper articles or mysterious tales from the past?

3. Talk to NeighboUrs.

If you feel brave enough, ask the neighbours: “excuse me, do you ever see ghosts in the window? or hear bumps in the night”

4. Check If Anyone Died in the House

Ask the agent, ask the neighbours, even at the local shop.

5. Keep Your Senses Alert on your second viewing.

Be extra alert second time around. Take your dog, your psychic friend or even buy your own EMF reader (they are only £15.99 on Amazon - a better investment than waking up next to the ghost of residents past!).

Living with a spooky friend is no joke. But, this blog is.

Happy Halloween, Friends.

Natalie Evans